Server to server notifications

Learn about sending server notifications to Deepwall

Server to Server Notifications is a service that Apple provides for auto-renewable subscription products. Even though Deepwall does not require server notifications from the App Store and can regularly collect subscription information from App Store, sending server notifications to Deepwall will speed up webhooks and minimize lagging for analytics.

For Apple Server to Server Notifications, the URL provided in the Deepwall panel must first be set in App Store Connect.

Follow the steps below to configure server-to-server notifications:

1. Open Deepwall and choose your app

2. Click App Settings and copy the link from Apple Server Notification Url Section in the Integration tab

3. Log into you account on App Store Connect

4. Choose the app from My Apps you want to integrate

5. Click App Information under the General tab

6. Paste the copied link to the URL for App Server Notifications sections

7. Click Save to save changes

Apple supports only one server notification URL. In case where you have a server running with notifications, payloads can be forwarded to the Deepwall URL via App Settings.

Last updated