Developer Notifications

Learn about sending real-time developer notifications to Deepwall

Huawei AppGallery Connect provides server push notifications that let us monitor state changes for managed subscriptions and/or one-time purchases with pending transactions. By enabling real-time developer notifications, Deepwall will receive changes directly from Huawei anytime there is an update to a pending transaction or an existing subscription even users does not open their apps.

Sending developer notifications to Deepwall is required for accurate receipt validation and speeding up webhooks and minimize lagging for analytics.

For Huawei real-time developer notifications, the developer notification URL provided in the Deepwall management console must be set in Huawei App Gallery.

Get Notification Url from Deepwall

1. Open Deepwall and choose your app

2. Click App Settings and copy the link from Huawei Server Notification Url Section in the Store Configuration tab

Follow the steps below to configure developer notifications on Huawei App Gallery:

1. Log into your account on AppGallery Connect

2. Go to My projects

3. Choose your project

4. On the left side of the menu, click In-App Purchases under Earn

5. Under Configuration, edit the Subscription notification URL by clicking Edit and paste the URL copied from Deepwall

Last updated

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