Android SDK

Instructions for installing Deepwall Android SDK


  • Android API Level 21+

  • Java 1.8


Deepwall for Android is available on Github and can be included via Gradle.

Add the Deepwall library to the dependencies section in your app build.gradle.

allprojects {
   repositories {
       maven { url '' }

You must add this implementation to your appโ€™s build.gradle indicating the version you are implementing.

implementation 'deepwall:deepwall-core:2.1.7'

Changing ExoPlayer Version

DeepWall is shipped with ExoPlayer 2.17.1. If other versions of ExoPlayer is required in your app, you can excludedeepwall-video package and add the compatible version of deepwall-video.

This option is supported with Android SDK version 2.6.0+.

    exclude group: 'deepwall', module: 'deepwall-video'
    transitive true

Import and Use

Now you can use DeepWall by importing Deepwall to your project. Learn how to configure and use the Deepwall SDK using the following guide.

Last updated